Wildflower Verges Update – 25th September 2023
The remedial work to strim and clear the wildflower verges is underway now there has been ample time for the needed re-seeding process to have taken place. This activity of strimming / clearing is earlier than last year as the weather has been more changeable this year – last year the job in was carried out in late October so the schedule / priority has changed this year within the resources we have available.
The next Open Spaces & Highways Committee meeting which is on Wednesday 27th September (7.00pm at The Hub, 45b, Hight Street, Iver) will be determining the plan for next year’s activity and valuable feedback received will be shared with those Councillors on that committee. This is a public meeting and residents are very welcome to attend in person and share views on the items on the Agenda. The Agenda will be available on the Parish Council website one week in advance. One of the items on the Agenda will be a presentation and discussion concerning the results of the recent Recreation Ground Usage Survey that many residents contributed to.
Our hanging baskets have looked lovely this year. As winter looms we are anticipating they will be removed by the supplier at the start of October.
You can read the agenda & minutes on the ‘Open Spaces and Highways Committee 23-24’ page.
As the weather heats up, the wildflowers around the Parish are beginning to bloom!
A sea of colourful wildflowers have started to bloom and dominate the Ivers roadside verges, roundabouts and various patches of land.
The June blooms follow the sowing of wildflower seeds throughout the Ivers as part of the Wildflowers project. Not only are the impressive displays of colour beautiful to look at, they also attract a wide variety of insects and pollinators. The Council captured these colourful displays on the High Street, Iver Village.
The wildflower displays have proved popular with residents and visitors alike. At the end of the year, the wildflower beds are left to naturally form seed to fall onto the land and create a wildflower seed bank to start the process again the following year. Often this takes time to become self-generating, but it is all worth it in the end!
To read more on what we’re doing next, visit our Brightening Up The Ivers page