
Informal Consultation February 2021

This is your opportunity to give us your views on the draft The Ivers Neighbourhood Plan that has been developed by the community of The Ivers.

The Neighbourhood Plan is an important document that will help to shape the look and feel of our surroundings in the years to come.  The Parish Council has limited powers for determining the outcome of individual planning applications.  That is the role of The Buckinghamshire Council, which is obliged to follow national as well as local policies.  The Parish Council cannot determine what developments will take place, for example in terms of numbers of new homes or provision of schools or the building of new roads.  However, once approved, the Neighbourhood Plan will provide the framework for assessing future applications and the way they impact on our community.

Importantly, the Neighbourhood Plan will also ensure that the Parish Council receives a larger proportion of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) that developers are required to pay as a contribution to local projects.  Together with representatives from the local community the Ivers Parish Council has developed a draft Neighbourhood Plan.  We have listened to the concerns and aspirations raised by the community through a parish-wide questionnaire, focus groups, etc.  The outcome is a series of 17 policies that aim to remove or reduce some current problems and to improve the quality of life for residents and businesses across the parish.

Please read the information below and let us know what you think

If you would like a printed copy of the Neighbourhood Plan and survey questions please contact plan@iverparishcouncil.gov.uk or phone 01753655331 and we will post you a copy




The Ivers Neighbourhood Planning Committee is undertaking this consultation to check with the community that what you asked for we are delivering in the best way that we can.  We want to hear your views and we have put together very short surveys for each policy to assist you to tell us what you think.  If you do not wish to use the survey please contact us by writing to us or emailing, or phone us on the office number between 9 am and 2pm.  If you wish to speak to your local councillor let us know and we will pass on your message; remember to provide us with your preferred contact details.

We know this electronic format of consultation is not suitable for everyone but we are limited in what we can do due to coronavirus regulations.


The draft Plan and how to read it

Of necessity, this Neighbourhood Plan is a detailed technical document. The purpose of this page is to explain the structure and help you find your way around the plan

  1. Introduction & Background  This section explains the background to this Neighbourhood Plan and how you can take part in and respond to the consultation once the plan has been published for the Regulation 14 consultation.

2. The Neighbourhood Area  This section details many of the features of the designated area.

3. Planning Policy Context  This rather technical section relates this Plan to the National Planning Policy Framework and the planning policies of South Bucks District Council, now operating as part of the unitary authority, Buckinghamshire Council.

4.  Community Views on Planning Issues  This section explains the community involvement that has taken place.

5.  Vision, Objectives & Land Use Policies  This is the key section. Firstly, it provides a statement on the Neighbourhood Plan Vision and Objectives which are still to be agreed. It then details Policies which are proposed to address the issues outlined in the Foreword and in Section 4. These Policies, still to be agreed, are listed on page 5. There will be Policy Maps at the back of the plan and there may be additional information in the Appendices to which the policies cross reference.

6. Implementation  This section explains how the Plan will be implemented and future development guided and managed. It should be used to suggest projects which might be supported by the Community Infrastructure Levy which the Parish Council will have some influence over. Finally, it deals with a number of issues which although relevant are outside the scope of a Neighbourhood Plan.



Policy IV1 Gaps between settlements

This recognises the importance of preserving the individual identities of the principal village settlements within the parish by ensuring that green space gaps remain between them.  This extends also to preventing infill between the villages and Slough, Uxbridge and West Drayton.  A key point is the position of the parish within the Green Belt and the Colne Valley Park.

Complete the survey on Policy IV1

Policy IV2 Design in Iver Heath

This policy sets out guidelines for the design of properties in Iver Heath taking account of the history and individual character.

Complete the survey on Policy IV2

Policy IV3 Design in Iver Village

This policy sets out guidelines for the design of properties in Iver Village taking account of the history and individual character.

Complete the survey on Policy IV3


Policy IV4 Design in Richings Park

This policy sets out guidelines for the design of properties in Richings Park taking account of the history and individual character.

Complete the survey on Policy IV4

Policy IV 5 Local Heritage Assets

Across the parish, there are a number of buildings and other structures that reflect our rich heritage and which contribute to the overall appearance and character of the area.  Some have protection as Listed Buildings.  However, the value of these assets are not always appreciated by developers and so this policy aims to give them additional protection when planning applications are being considered.  The properties and structures affected are listed in Appendix C of the Draft Plan.

Complete the survey on Policy IV5

Policy IV6 Sustainable Travel

This policy seeks both to protect existing footpaths, cycleways and bridleways and to require developers to improve accessibility and connectivity between them so that walking cycling and equestrian activities are facilitated and encouraged.  Facilitation of more extensive bus routes is also a requirement.

Complete the survey on Policy IV6

Policy IV7 Air Quality

This policy aims to build on the parish-wide Air Quality Management Area by requiring developers to minimise atmospheric pollution through improved building design, facilitation of non-motorised transport, provision of electric charging points for vehicles, etc.

Complete the survey on Policy IV7

Policy IV8 Managing Traffic

Under this policy, proposals to reduce HGV traffic in the villages would be supported.  Developments that would increase overall levels of traffic would be required to make financial contributions to measures to improve traffic flows.

Complete the survey on Policy IV8

Policy IV9 Reducing Heavy Goods Vehicles

This policy makes clear that developments that would generate increased movements of HGVs in the villages would not be supported.  Conversely, developments that result in reduced HGV movements would be supported.

Complete the survey on Policy IV9

Policy IV10 Community Facilities

This policy aims to ensure that valued community facilities (village halls, schools, recreation facilities, allotments, etc.) are maintained and expanded where appropriate.

Complete the survey on Policy IV10

Policy IV11 Village Centres

This policy recognises the importance of village centres and the retail and other community assets they provide.  It seeks to ensure that a critical mass of shop frontages is retained thus preserving essential services.

Complete the survey on Policy IV11

Policy IV12 Thorney Business Park

This sets out the conditions that would apply to any proposed redevelopment of the business park, taking note of its position in the Green Belt and Colne Valley Park, its relationship to the canal and the railway and the impact on Richings Park.

Complete the survey on Policy IV12

Policy IV13 Link Park Heathrow and Thorney Mill Sidings

This policy would require that, for any future development to be supported, HGV movements from the site must be eliminated, any structures and landscaping would respect the position within the Green Belt and the woodland area would be protected in perpetuity.

Complete the survey on Policy IV13

Policy IV14 Local Green Spaces

The aim of this policy is to protect from development valued community assets, such as playing fields, open spaces between housing developments and community gardens, that are not part of the Green Belt.

Complete the survey on Policy IV14

Policy IV15 Green Infrastructure Network

This policy sets out how developments would be expected to make positive contributions to improving natural habitats, wildlife corridors and watercourses, expanding opportunities for ‘Active Travel’ across the parish, providing new green spaces and encouraging a sustainable rural economy.

Complete the survey on Policy IV15

Policy IV16 Climate Change Mitigation - Carbon Sink

The need to ensure that atmospheric carbon levels are reduced is addressed through the requirement for developments over 2 hectares to plant specified numbers of trees or to contribute to the ‘Carbon Sink Fund’.

Complete the survey on Policy IV16

Policy IV17 Climate Change Mitigation - New Buildings

This policy would ensure that all new buildings will be constructed to high standards of energy efficiency as a major contribution to reducing atmospheric pollution and the associated impacts on the climate.

Complete the survey on Policy IV17

Why are we doing this consultation? Why are these changes being proposed? What happens next?

The purpose of the consultation is to gain your views and any concerns about the Plan.  Through consultations you told us what you wanted and we have worked to develop a Plan that delivers what you want. Here are the results of the major consultation we undertook in 2016 .  An Informal consultation means we gather views and opinions and share these ahead of a formal consultation that will carry out as part of the process dictated by the law.

Your views really matter.

Following this period of informal consultation we will look at the Plan and the comments from the community and make any changes that are necessary.  The Plan must go through a referendum in order to become official planning policy and we are hoping that the referendum will take place in 2021.

Please have a look at the Plan and let us know your views and opinions, and ask us for clarification on any policy that you need further information on.

You can complete the surveys, or you can e-mail your response to plan@iverparishcouncil@gov.uk or write to us at 45B High Street, Iver, SL0 9ND

Your view matters and the informal consultation period will end at 1200 on the 16th March 2021


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How to get in touch with us

Phone: 01753655331or your local councillor

Email: plan@iverparishcouncil.gov.uk

Address: 45B High Street, Iver, Bucks SL0 9ND

Find out more about Neighbourhood Planning




How we will use your data

This survey is being undertaken by the Parish Council within the data privacy policy.  Any data we collect from you as part of this survey will only be used for the purposes of undertaking the survey.  No personal data will be published in the consultation process or results.