
This web page has been built to enable the consultation responses to be made available to the Neighbourhood Planning Committee for their consideration.  After consideration the responses will be publicly accessible as part of the Consultation Statement.

The responses have been loaded as pdf files and are grouped and loaded to the web page in accordance with the order of Section 7 ‘Pre Submission (Regulation 14) Consultation on the draft  of ‘The Ivers Neighbourhood Plan’

Section 7 of Consultation Statement 'Pre Submission (Regulation 14) Consultation on the draft of The Ivers Neighbourhood Plan

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7.5 Community Survey responses

This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology and are in the following formats: .xlsx. Request an accessible format.

7.6 Landowners who were contacted responses

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7.7 Webinar responses

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7.8 Other verbal and written community questions and responses

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Draft responses for Committee consideration (webinar and community survey related)

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Section 8 Consideration of changes to Development Plan post Regulation 14 consultation

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