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As part of our streetlight replacement programme, new LED lights have been installed in Bathurst Walk, Richings Park.

Streetlight Replacement Programme

For several years, the Parish Council have been replacing streetlighting in the residential roads across the entire Parish. This year, we complete the replacement programme so our entire network of streetlights will be LED, low usage and low cost in terms of the electricity used to power them. Therefore, the completion is better for the environment and more cost effective, particularly when the cost of energy remains so uncertain.

This last phase includes replacement of lamp heads in various Roads Across the Parish:

  • Bathurst Walk
  • Norwood Lane
  • Bond Close
  • Heatherden Green
  • Keens Acre
  • Mansion Lane
  • Widecroft Road
  • and also an overhaul of the lighting on and around Iver Heath Recreation Ground.

We are working with our streetlight contractor Enerveo to complete this project.

The contractor is currently planning the activity and ordering the materials needed. As soon as the plans with timescales are available we will share those via our website so residents know when works are taking place.