Contact the Parish Council
If you would like to report a problem you have found within the parish or have a general enquiry, please complete the following form and provide as much information as you can. This will enable us to ensure it is actioned or forward to the relevant party to whom have responsibility.
Data protection
By contacting the Ivers Parish Council you are agreeing for the Council to hold your data for the purpose of the enquiry, action and reporting back. If you wish for your data not to be held for any longer than the purpose intended. Please inform the Parish Office.
You can report a problem that relates to the following subjects or contact for general enquiries:
- Burial enquiries
- Dog fouling
- Fly tipping
- General Parish Council related enquiries
- Grants
- Hub and Pavilion hire
- Play areas
- Parish Meetings enquiries
- Parish Council Streetlights
- Trees and hedges