
The Parish Council takes the safety of all users on our recreation grounds and play areas as a priority and every area and play area is checked on a daily basis with the exception of bank holidays. Where defects are found they are assessed for risk and either fixed immediately, parts ordered for remedial work or where the risk is significant the equipment will be safely taken out of use.

On a daily basis (in the morning) all areas are litter picked and checked for potential health and safety hazards. This is known as a Visual inspection. Weekly a more detailed Routine Inspection of all play equipment in our three fenced play area and other play and outdoor gym equipment is carried.

The Deputy Clerk to the Council and Deputy Head Groundsman are now RPII (Register of Play Inspections Institute) accredited to carry out a more detailed Operational Inspection of our play areas and play / outdoor gym equipment. These checks will be carried out quarterly with a full report being made and an action plan produced to rectify any defects found and to mitigate any risk. This is a great achievement for these members of our team and we are proud to be listed on the RPII Register of Inspectors which can be found on their website.

To complete the inspection process, an independent Annual Inspection by an RPII accredited Annual Outdoor Inspector is carried and the reports presented to the Council. An Action Plan for any remedial work is produced and monitored.

To ensure the Parish Council is carrying out the very best inspections to keep everyone safe, regular training takes place by an RPII approved trainer covering Visual, Routine & Operational inspections as relevant with every member of the Parish Council staff team with responsibility for the health and safety of play area and play equipment.