

In order to help The Ivers Parish Council assess your request for funding, we would ask that you download and complete the application form and return it to the Parish Clerk along with all supporting documentation, no later than 10 days before the next Council meeting so that it can be included on the agenda for consideration.

The dates of upcoming Council meetings can be found on the meeting calendar.

Funding requests can only be considered from organisations and residents from the Parish of The Ivers and should demonstrate that the grant would benefit either the community as a whole, or sections of the community.

Please see files below to read our Grant Application Policy and to complete a Grant Application Form.

Once complete, please return to:

The Parish Clerk
The Ivers Parish Council
45B High Street


Data protection

By contacting the Ivers Parish Council you are agreeing for the Council to hold your data for the purpose of the enquiry, action and reporting back. If you wish for your data not to be held for any longer than the purpose intended. Please inform the Parish Office.

Grant Application Form and Policy

These files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology and are in the following formats: .docx. .pdf. Request an accessible format.