
On the 21st June 2021 The Ivers Parish Council agreed the following:

 The Ivers Parish Council  declares a climate emergency and commits to encourage The Ivers to become carbon neutral. We aim is to make The Ivers Parish Council carbon neutral by 2030 and encourage the local population, organisations and businesses to work with us to reduce pollution and protect and improve the environment.” 

Councillor Ciarán Beary, Chair of the Council said

“We do not doubt that we have reached a defining moment in time in relation to the health of our planet and we believe that the Parish Council has a unique part to play in effecting change by all.

“The Ivers Parish Council has declared a climate emergency and we are going to respond with actions across all of our work for the community to make Climate Emergency a priority.

“We have replaced our Maintenance Team vans with the latest Category 6 diesels and we have just ordered battery powered strimmers however we realise that there is much more that we can do and we will be developing an action plan with an aim of being carbon neutral by 2030.

“We must face some hard truths about how the Council and its Councillors  operate; how do we become sustainable, what do services we provide look like in future, how do we look after our open spaces?

“We want to be ambitious and we will challenge our systems, our values and our work, and look for ways to become more adaptive and responsible.

“As your Council we are looking to amplify your concerns and we will renew our efforts to secure improvements in air quality and to make our community more sustainable.  In doing this we are aiming to provide a better future for our children and grandchildren.

“Our declaration of a climate emergency is just the beginning in our determination to effect and inspire change

The next steps will be to convene a working group that will develop an action plan.  If there are any members of the community who would like to be involved in this working group please contact cllr.juliecook@iversparishcouncil.gov.uk