Plot 3


Taking on a plot can be rewarding but it’s challenging, tiring and fun. We hope that this information will help you decide if becoming a tenant is for you!

We currently have no availability at our Iver and Iver Heath allotments, but please get in touch using the contact details below for enquiries or to join our waiting list.

Contact details

For more information please contact:

Pia Anderson

Administration Assistant, The Ivers Parish Council, 45B High Street, Iver, Bucks, SL0 9ND

01753 655331


Data protection

By contacting the Ivers Parish Council you are agreeing for the Council to hold your data for the purpose of the enquiry, action and reporting back. If you wish for your data not to be held for any longer than the purpose intended. Please inform the Parish Office.

Frequently asked questions regarding allotments